Every time you visit RxCosmetics you can earn points in our loyalty program!
RxCosmetics offers points as part of our loyalty rewards program. This is a complimentary program, there is no cost or obligation on your part to enroll. Each time you purchase products or services during your visit at RxCosmetics Aesthetic Clinic you earn points that can be used toward future services and skincare purchases!
How do I earn points?
You earn points with every service visit and dollar spent.
Our in office loyalty program is our way of saying "Thank you" to you our loyal client for choosing RxCosmetics for our medical aesthetic needs.
Earn rewards for select skincare and laser treatments.
Earn points on Allergan Aesthetic treatments and products you know and love.
Access special offers and promotions only available to members.
Track your progress toward savings on participating treatments and product purchases.
Plus, you can earn additional points by providing information about your treatment and participating in special offers.
Terms and Conditions apply. Subject to change.
You deserve to be rewarded, no matter your routine. That’s why Brilliant Distinctions gives you points on Botox Cosmetics, Juvederm, Latisse and Skinmedica Skincare.
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